Sunday, March 15, 2015

Moving Google Keep Notes to a new Gmail Account

I searched Google and couldn't find a good solution for transferring Google Keep notes between gmail accounts.  (For example between your work and personal gmail), and the option is not available on Google Takeout.  So here are the 2 ways I've been doing it.

Transferring Notes with pictures

  1. In your source Google Keep account share the note with your destination Google account
  2. Go to your destination Google Keep account and you will see the note,  click the 3 dots for more option and select "Make a Copy".(The reason you want to copy it is because if the original note from your source account is ever deleted it will be deleted at the destination account too)
  3. Now either delete the shared note from your destination account  (So you don't see it twice).  Or if you are cleaning up your source account,  go back and delete the note from your source account (and it will also delete from the destination account).

Quick Copy/Paste 

A lot of my notes are just text and they don't even have titles so it is actually faster to just:
  1. Open my source and destination Google keeps up in 2 Chrome Browsers and display both on the screen.
  2. Just quickly copy/paste the text from the source note to the destination note.
  3. Not the slickest solution, but it works.

The reason this came up is because I was trying to remove some of the Google Keep notes from my work Google Keep account and wanted to save them on my personal Gmail Account.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these tips. They saved me a whole lot of time. I got two Gmail accounts but I mistakenly added all my notes in Keep from my iPhone in the wrong account. I used your "share" / "make a copy" technique. Worked great.

Ram said...

Very good. I resolved my issue. Thanks