Sunday, May 11, 2014

Embedding Google Sites into another site with an iframe not working by default anymore

Google Sites changed their default settings last week to not allow them to be embedded via iframe into other sites.

For example this page was suddenly showing white for content instead of the school bulletin.

(the bulletin is an iframe of a Google site page )

All credit goes to our  Taichung ETC,  Dwight Johnson for figuring out the solution.

There is a new setting in Google Sites called "Allow Embedding of your sites in other sites"

Dwight clicked the box and the problem was solved!

For more details about the cause,  google clickjacking

Thanks Dwight!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Install Apps on your new Windows PC machine in Minutes

Here is absolutely the easiest, quickest, simplest and free way to install your most commonly needed apps on a new Windows machine.

I try to run cloud-based applications as much as possible, but there is still a core set of apps that need to be installed on a new Windows PC.

In the past I would dread having to individually download all of the latest versions of applications from each vendors website when I was going to be upgrading or switching to a new machine.  But there is a free solution to this problem called NINITE

Here is how EASY it is for me to install my core list of apps which are

  • Chrome
  • Skype
  • iTunes
  • VLC
  • Audacity
  • QuickTime
  • Java
  • .Net
  • Silverlight
  • Air
  • Shockwave
  • Adobe Reader
  • Google Drive

1.  Go to website
2.  Click the applications you want to install and then download the Ninite installer
3.  Run the Ninite installer, it will download and install all of the apps for me automatically 

But wait, it gets EVEN EASIER.

Here is a Ninite URL with my core apps already pre-selected.  Just download and Run.
Or use my selections as a starting base and modify to your liking. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Script to make Google drive your default Document folder for Windows 7 & Windows 8

Making Google Drive your default documents folder on a Windows machine  is a great idea, and is easy to do manually this cnet page already has instructions, but I'm interested in a way to  automate this so that we can quickly set this up on our staff laptops.

Here are the key lines from a script that we use.

Logged in as the teacher who is going to use the notebook,  we have a script that runs the following lines, (just one time for each teacher).

I'm using shlib.exe file from the Grim Admin site which you can find here.  More details can be found here under Option 2

To add the Google Drive Folder to show up in your Documents library, you can use this command in a batch file:

\\server\share\shlib add "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Documents.library-ms" "C:\Users\%username%\Google Drive" 

Here is the command line to set the Google Drive Library folder as the default document save location.

\\server\share\shlib setsaveloc "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Documents.library-ms" "C:\users\%username%\Google Drive"
One thing I couldn't get the script to do yet , is to move the Google Drive folder up so that it shows up FIRST in the Document Libraries folder,  so this has to be done by hand.  But I use this command to automatically open up the GUI windows to the correct location.  Then you just have to right click and move Google Drive to the top

\\server\share\shlib manage "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Documents.library-ms"

NOTICE for Windows 8.1
With the Windows 8.1 update,  Microsoft got rid of having Libraries show by default.  Here's some instructions from Cnet on how to do that.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Office 2010 KMS Client Activation troubleshooting

Occasionally we have an issue with Office 2010 not activating with our Office KMS activation server.

Here are the key steps we take to get it working quickly again from the client side. I'm assuming that the KMS server is working correctly.

The lines are run from the command prompt.  You need to start the command prompt with admin rights or you will get access denied errors.

1.  Make sure the time and timezone is set correctly on the client machine.  If the time is off by a lot it will not activate.

2. Launch a command window with elevated privileges.
(Type cmd in the search bar to locate the command window, Right click on cmd and click Run as administrator from the context menu, or select cmd and hit CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER on the keyboard. ◦Click Yes at the User Account Control prompt to open the command window with elevated privileges)

3. At the command prompt, change to the Office14 folder (this is where the ospp.vbs script is located by default)

cd \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\

4.  You could start with manually trying to activate Office to see if the resulting error message is helpful for troubleshooting.  At the command prompt type:
cscript ospp.vbs /act

5. Run this command to manually specify the IP address of your Office KMS Server.

cscript ospp.vbs /sethst:     (Use the IP address of your Office KMS Server)

4. Run this command to activate Office with the KMS server:

cscript ospp.vbs /act

More in-depth troubleshooting ideas can be found here if the above doesn't work for you

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Troubleshooting Windows 7 or WIndows 8 OS Client Activations that use a KMS Server

Occasionally we have an issue with an existing Windows 7 or Windows 8 machines not being able to activate automatically from our KMS Server or a new machine not registering the first time.

Here are the key steps we take to get it working quickly again from the client side. I'm assuming of course that the KMS server is working correctly.

The lines are run from the command prompt.  You need to start the command prompt with admin rights or you will get access denied errors.

1.  Make sure the time and timezone is set correctly on the client machine.  If the time is off by a lot it will not activate.

2.  From a command prompt,  we can first try the obvious, and manually activate the client,  but I am assuming that this will fail.
slmgr /ato
3.  Next we can try and get some info about the status that might help to troubleshoot the problem.
slmgr /dlv show status

4.  Make sure Windows  is using a KMS key (not MAK).  You can uninstall and then reinstall the KMS key to be sure.

First uninstall the key, from the command prompt.
slmgr /upk  uninstall license
Then depending on if it is a Windows 8 or Windows 7 machine run one of the following commands.  You can get a list of Microsoft KMS Client keys here
slmgr /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4    (Windows 8  Pro KMS Key)
slgmr /ipk FJ82H-XT6CR-J8D7P-XQJJ2-GPDD4  (Windows 7 Pro KMS Key)
5.  Then you can manually tell the client where to find the KMS server
slmgr /skms    (Use the internal IP address of your KMS server
6.  And now run slmgr /at again to try and register.

For more in-depth troubleshooting,  you can try this page

Thriving in the Workplace

National Taiwan University - Global MBA presentation