Thursday, April 10, 2014

Install Apps on your new Windows PC machine in Minutes

Here is absolutely the easiest, quickest, simplest and free way to install your most commonly needed apps on a new Windows machine.

I try to run cloud-based applications as much as possible, but there is still a core set of apps that need to be installed on a new Windows PC.

In the past I would dread having to individually download all of the latest versions of applications from each vendors website when I was going to be upgrading or switching to a new machine.  But there is a free solution to this problem called NINITE

Here is how EASY it is for me to install my core list of apps which are

  • Chrome
  • Skype
  • iTunes
  • VLC
  • Audacity
  • QuickTime
  • Java
  • .Net
  • Silverlight
  • Air
  • Shockwave
  • Adobe Reader
  • Google Drive

1.  Go to website
2.  Click the applications you want to install and then download the Ninite installer
3.  Run the Ninite installer, it will download and install all of the apps for me automatically 

But wait, it gets EVEN EASIER.

Here is a Ninite URL with my core apps already pre-selected.  Just download and Run.
Or use my selections as a starting base and modify to your liking. 

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